Having transformed her international swimming career into a successful franchised swim school Angela still wants more: to see as many other people as possible benefit from swimming. Alongside children learning to swim, that includes fellow entrepreneurs looking for ideal career opportunities.
Creating your own opportunities
Here’s a business model that allows swim school franchisees to give back through their businesses, to offer rewarding roles and jobs. Many of her current swim teachers learnt to swim at the school and are now taking the opportunity to start a teaching career alongside our instructors. They realise what a transferable skill swimming is.
Angela fell in love with teaching as a teenager
This is good news for potential franchisees, who can recruit swim teachers and poolside helpers from among their own pupils.
Never replaced by robots
People work best with people and all the technology in the world won’t change that. This can be demonstrated perfectly at a swim school, which is very much an educational business. It needs the input of talented teachers in the water until pupils can swim. Instructors will always be needed to be there to protect learners and keep them safe. It’s this longevity that means a successful swim school is a business thin demand.
Teaching alongside her swim training, Angela fell in love with teaching as a teenager. “It was amazing to take something I had spent years doing myself and turn it around, giving back to a sport I loved and teaching children and adults to swim.”
Having designed and built the school’s own teaching programme, and made it central to her business model, there’s an exciting opportunity here for others to benefit by bringing swimming into their career.
This post is based on Angela’s recent radio interview. Watch now!